I was very pleased when, opening my e-mail inbox, I found an invitation to write a small piece of text for this web log. In fact, I bumped into it a couple of days ago, and immediately was hypnotized by its striking colors. Fortunately, my personal assistant speaks Portuguese and promptly translated the contents for me. I was very happy with them, and hope to make a good contribution to your (so far very well done) work.
One of the most intriguing questions women keep asking themselves is not “God, does my hair look good?”, “Am I dressed appropriately for this occasion?” or even “Is my boyfriend seeing another person?”.
Face it ladies, the only thing you desperately need to know, even though you will never understand it, is Why do men find it attractive to see two women together.
Not only that, they expect us, as women, to immediately say “Yes” whenever they propose such a deal. Why? Because the porn films industry says so. If a movie doesn’t show two blonde women with large breasts making out on satin sheets, it’s either a Titan or Falcon productions (for those of you not familiar with these terms, they are the names of two Gay films companies).
The sexual role of women has been changing over the years, and bisexuality seems to be gaining more and more devotees. I mean, how many of us never experimented in that way? I apologize to those who feel disgusted with the thought, but it is a fact that most women have had some kind of erotic/sexual experience with other females.
So why is there so much commotion about this topic? The answer is straightforward: like in so many other subjects, men are not treated equally. No one expects women to ask their (sexual) partner(s) to get in bed with another man, in order to please her intimate desires. Men do not perform those kinds of deeds.
What they do not realize, is that things are changing. Sexuality and women themselves are changing. Becoming more demanding when it comes to sex. It is not that difficult for a modern, practical woman to find herself a sexual partner. So, if men don’t act up to women’s expectations, they will be easily replaced by someone who does.
This is the message we, as sexually active and demanding beings, must get through. We have urges that need to be fulfilled in order to make us satisfied. Men just need to keep up.
Carrie Bradshaw